A nimble, on-the-go workforce requires an equally agile digital foundation to stay competitive. Considering that an unparalleled customer experience is the ultimate goal, effective communications are key in helping your organization meet rising consumer expectations and increasing competition.
Utilizing cloud technology, OnX is freeing businesses from the constraints of a physical locations.
By unifying communications and collaboration services across any device their mobile workforce employees prefer, savvy companies are preparing their contact centers and other customer support platforms for an ever-evolving digital future.
Forging ahead with the latest innovations—especially those with built-in resilience and security—will ensure you stay competitive minus the risk of damaging downtime. That’s particularly true in a fast-paced business environment making traditional phone systems obsolete. Rather than being stuck at a fixed location, today’s employees are mobile and remote, with many teams going virtual as IT infrastructure migrates to the cloud.
Top-of-line communications is more crucial than ever, as many customers prefer talking over the phone when encountering service issues. Consumers disillusioned by your phone system or contact center may decide to take their business elsewhere, while the lack of the latest collaboration technology and cloud services could influence the quality of employees you attract and retain.
Additionally, organizational productivity can be adversely impacted if your mobile workforce doesn’t have access to the best cloud tools. As your workers need to be available from any location at any time, a modern solution is preferable to a traditional Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system better designed for office-based personnel.
To fully maximize opportunities in today’s lightning-quick markets, businesses must understand the benefits of a consolidated, company-wide unified cloud communications architecture. Organizations ready to transition to the cloud can start by identifying the tools and features needed to most efficiently run their business. An appraisal of existing equipment—from connectivity per location to how workers use their technology and what they require—should be part of the review process as well.
Potential upgrades for your new cloud service include both physical equipment and an updated support network. Make sure your current LAN and WAN can sustain real-time voice and video, along with other increased technical demands related to the cloud. You may then identify what tools are missing from your new solution, and which business functions could benefit best from cloud features.
Meanwhile, your process identification must be all-encompassing: How are inbound customer calls handled when staff is unavailable? How does this process vary at different times of the day?
How your teams share information and manage projects is critical to your mobile strategy, so be sure to determine how your teams work both internally and with outside suppliers.
Survey your Staff
Indeed, a cloud-based mobile transition cannot work without people. Talk to your staff about how they use your communication system and how your new network will benefit their day-to-day workload.
For example, an employee working on the customer support desk will require more in-depth training upon implementation than a warehouse worker who typically isn’t using the technology. Changes to working practices—flexible hours, working from home, staying local to serve customers, and more—also need to be agreed upon prior to implementation.
With OnX as your technology partner, your customer communication and collaboration capabilities will be fully prepared for a move to the cloud.
Contact OnX for more strategies you can implement to empower your mobile workforce.