Cloud infrastructure is swiftly becoming the essential foundation for a flexible, modern enterprise. More and more organizations are well into their cloud migrations and are reaping rewards through unprecedented scalability and next-generation speeds. However, many of...
Let OnX Preserve Your Vital Data
The more your business depends on data, the more you need a comprehensive data-backup program. But with cyber threats like ransomware striking without warning and data-driven applications demanding ever more storage and computing capacity, it’s increasingly difficult for companies to do all they can to protect their vital data.
Our experts configure, test, deploy, monitor, and supervise every aspect of your backups — so you can rest easy knowing you’re protected against unexpected data disasters.
That’s why OnX introduced Managed Backup-as-a-Service (BUaaS). We configure, test, deploy, monitor, and supervise every aspect of your backups.
OnX Managed BUaaS is:
- Always on: Our experts monitor your backups around the clock to ensure they can be deployed ASAP in a crisis.
- Security driven: Encryption makes it extremely difficult for outsiders to access your data in transit and in storage.
- Best of breed: Our staff has the training and experience to deploy the most innovative backup software and configure it to your precise needs.
Whether you want to phase out your tape drives or outsource your backup management to focus on core initiatives, you can rest easy knowing there will always be a secure duplicate of your operating environment that can be recovered quickly to stave off a data disaster.
Why You Need OnX Backup-as-a-Service
- Fully managed: Our service requires little to no involvement on your end. Our experts handle all the configuring, monitoring, and management of your backups, with comprehensive documentation and reporting.
- Tested and proven: We make sure your backup scheme will work as expected, so your backups will be there when you need them.
- Secure and compliant: Data is encrypted in transit and at the backup sites. Moving your backup to an audited environment eases your compliance burden.
- Flexible: Retain data at your site, in our data centers, or in the cloud.
Backup-as-a-Service Helps You:
- Simplify IT operations — Get out of the backup business and hand these tasks off to seasoned managed-backup experts
- Modernize and upgrade — Get off tape drives and switch to best-inclass backup technologies
- Keep focused — Keep your IT people zeroed in on your core business challenges
- Plug skill gaps — No need to fear your IT staff lacks critical backup expertise
- Stay compliant — Avoid run-ins with regulators
Supported Technologies
- Commvault Cell Managers deployed in OnX data center sites
- Commvault Media Agents (backup vaults) stored at source and target sites
OnX BUaaS Methodology
OnX Backup-as-a-Service manages diskbased backups with the following criteria:
- Backups performed daily, with an option for customized backup/recovery point frequencies
- Backups retained for 31 days, with an option for customized retention periods
- Two copies of backup data stored in our data centers, your site, or the cloud
- Maintenance of backup schedule
- Up to four ad hoc backup operations per month
- Backup logs reviewed daily with detailed job reports
- Backup agent maintenance, patching, and upgrades
- Backup infrastructure maintenance, patching, and upgrades (limited to OnX-owned and managed infrastructure)
- Remote monitoring and management of your backup environment
- Comprehensive managed data backup from your location to:
- OnX data center
- Public cloud
- Another of your locations
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