Data Recovery Solutions

Data Replication, disaster recovery, and managed testing – OnX Canada is a data recovery company you can trust to protect your business.

Ensure your business is protected from downtime and loss of critical information by strengthening your backup and data protection or by investing in fully-customized disaster recovery services program from OnX.

If you have gaps in your disaster recovery plan that must be filled or need a high-level partner to manage, implement, and routinely test your disaster recovery solution, put OnX to the test. When you invest in OnX’s DRaaS solutions, your services include data backup, data replication, data recovery, and managed testing – all vital to achieving your RTO and RPO.

RTO – Recovery Time Objective:
How long it takes to recover your data after a system failure or disruption.

RPO – Recovery Point Objective:
The point in time (prior to a system failure or disruption) in which systems and data must be restored to as defined by your company.

A sound Data Recovery plan should sustain critical elements of your business in the event of a disruption. Because our team has deep business experience and technical expertise, we can work with your management team to develop business continuity solutions with actionable procedures that align with your RTO and RPO requirements.

Our expert technologists can implement your data recovery and disaster recovery system on-site, at an alternate facility, or hosted from one of our Tier III, SAS 70-certified data centers. Our capabilities and certifications cover a full range of operating systems and applications for data backup, data replication, and data recovery technologies.

Managing, Testing, and Support:
Rigorous, routine testing validates your Disaster Recovery plan so that you know your system is proven to work, supported by documentation to support your compliance requirements. With our 24×7 monitoring and ongoing maintenance, you can be sure your IT infrastructure is in safe hands.

Achieve System Reliability and Risk Mitigation

With OnX’s DRaaS solutions, you will experience an extremely high level of service day in and day out, based on a fully customized plan to meet your RTO and RPO business goals. Please contact us today to discuss your specific requirements, and we’ll help you define and integrate the right disaster recovery services into your overall IT program.