Diversity Supplier Opticonx


“Opticonx is a global leader in fiber plug and play systems for data centers”

As a woman-owned business, Opticonx is excited to be a part of the Onx Supplier Diversity Program. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Our customers come to us because we provide innovative products. Our commitment to quality control enables us to ship 99.95% of product on time and free of defects.

Diversity is just one reason Opticonx is recognized as a world leader in fiber systems.

For more information, contact Opticonx at:
Mark D. Lavallee Ι Sales Manager Ι
Opticonx, Inc. Ι Fiber Optic Connectivity Solutions Ι
Toll-Free: 888-748-6855
Direct: 508-499-5019
Mobile: 508-887-5777
E-mail: mark.lavallee@opticonx.com
Website: www.opticonx.com