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Cloud rumblings from Canada

OnX has recently provisioned clients onto our Federated Cloud platform and in several cases the clients were launching new applications and didn’t really know what kind of capacity they were going to require and didn’t want to deploy a large dedicated hardware environment, so the cloud was a perfect solution.  In two cases we had […]

What really is a cloud?

If you agree that D is the correct answer then you should also agree that there are many elements to defining a cloud strategy that should be considered before you buy any cloud management tools. No matter what method that you subscribe to for planning (an example – the PDCA Deming cycle) one of the […]

Everyone loves to hate – BackUps

Disk-based backups bring new performance potential to a backup environment.  Tape-based backups are not only limited by the speed of the tape, but in many ways they are limited by the capabilities of the media itself.  The IT staff has had to juggle between “multiplexing” multiple jobs to a tape to reduce the backup window […]

The tall order for data storage

So what can these managers do to get a handle on the situation and create an environment that not only supports the issues of today but provides for future growth and requirements? OnX has developed a process for doing just this! It is a four stage process that can transform the storage environment from what […]

Don’t guess your storage – assess!

However, tools are the supporting actor in the story. The starring role is the talented and experienced engineer running the tools, asking the questions and driving the assessment. In my opinion there will never be a replacement for a talented mind and keen insight in to a problem. Let me be the first to say […]

In the ball park

These are things to think about before you get to the type of environment that has hundreds and hundreds of hosts, and thousands of guests, across multiple hypervisors.  Are you even in the ballpark when it comes to best practices, measuring performance and security? As a specific example, let’s talk about security. Most shops spend […]

Who’s your DADI?

And have power, cooling and space finally caught up with them?  To address these issues, traditional server and application consolidation continue to head the list as IDC top priorities for 2012. These priorities will force the CIO to choose a “Strategic Platform” to run the new environment on as you head into the future. And […]

Cloud readiness assessment

After completing our Discovery Workshop, the answer is “yes”. The technology environments of both customers already have the baseline building blocks for developing a private cloud; virtualization and abstraction technologies in place to separate the Service of IT from traditional IT Services. As a result, the change to cloud is an incremental one from an […]


Personal preferences for Apple IOS, Google Android, and Microsoft Windows-based devices are driving consumer devices into the corporate networks and create device management and data security concerns. Home offices, the desire to have the newest devices on the market, tablets, netbooks, and smartphone preferences all cause a need for organizations to create a “BYOD policy”. […]

How to keep up with data recovery requirements

In order to meet the required performance and availability data access services expected within production environments, enterprise cloud services’ providers will extend a portion of their storage cloud service assets on the client’s premises for handling both active data sets and connecting data replication technologies to their offsite clouds in order to meet geographic requirements […]