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OnX races to the IndyCar finish line

You’ll find OnX leadership in the driver seat as Mike Cox, CEO of OnX Enterprise Solutions and President of OnX U.S., and Paul Khawaja, President of OnX Canada, race Bobby Rahal, Co-owner of RLL Racing and Indy 500 winner. Who will win? You’ll just have to watch the video to find out. See you at […]

Versions of truth in data analytics

I know that many of us have strong opinions regarding politicians. But sometimes I wonder if we are guilty of similar behavior. We all use techniques to achieve a favorable outcome, without the risk of being called an outright liar. We use these techniques everyday with clients, coworkers and even family members. Modern era of […]

OnDemand data access

Numerous times I have been a part of customer meetings having long and stressful discussions around storage space and the related costs just because users find creative reasons to keep their data forever, just in case they need to access it at some point. At times I think it stems from the nightmares of legacy […]

SSD is so 2013…

Three of the systems use a similar approach – this is the NV-DIMM sold by Cypress Semiconductor’s AGIGA, Viking Technology and Micron Technology. All three have created blends of DRAM and flash memory. Essentially they added flash memory as a backup to the DRAM on a DIMM. If the server loses power there is a […]

Now where did I put that flash?

Why am I focusing on storage? Let’s take a brief look at what is happening in the typical data center: A 2.0 GHz CPU clock cycle is roughly 0.5 nanoseconds (ns) Memory latency ranges from 50 ns to 200 ns Average latency to a storage array is 5 milliseconds (ms) If we change the scale […]

Critical transitions

  If you look around the data centers today you will find less mainframes and proprietary UNIX systems, but the requirements have not changed. The primary driver of this change is financial in nature, however, the manufacturers of the x86 processors have made significant investments to bring many of the RAS (reliability, availability and scalability) features […]

Closing the gap between investment and implementation of ITSM solutions

Most ITSM initiatives are doomed to failure before they ever get started. This is because they are launched as a typical IT project with a team of subject matter experts deemed necessary to get the job done. This may be a great approach for a technology project but not the best approach for an ITSM-based […]

What are YOUR stages of VDI opinion?

Stage 2 – Denial But wait… We need to buy so much extra VDI software, servers and storage hardware. Plus, what about our heavy graphics applications, old homegrown software and user experience? Forget about it! This looks too expensive and there are too many unknowns here. Stage 3 – Cautious acceptance Okay… It looks like […]