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What does it mean to be a vendor of record for the Canadian Government?

Add to this the significant security challenges faced by the government and the need to properly vet any and all contractors, and it’s little wonder that public agencies can struggle to remain digitally relevant in how they serve their constituents. Experienced guidance As a vendor of record (VOR) for Government, OnX Canada knows better than […]

Empower home offices and branches for maximum connectivity with SD-WAN

These “temporary” remote working situations are no longer temporary in many cases, with several enterprises putting off plans to return to traditional office environments. Therefore, to avoid productivity losses and to mitigate the pandemic’s impact on mission-critical business goals, enterprises relying on remote environments must equip their employees with networking capability equal to what is […]

How to build an effective patch management program

Mapping of current network topology. Establishing a baseline of vulnerabilities. Application of all outstanding patches. Determining cadence of patch application. Review of ongoing critical patch escalation processes. In-depth quarterly reviews. Continuous, ongoing assessment and monitoring. Auditing and compliance analytics. When properly planned and executed, this process provides critical insight into the potential risks inherent in […]

Penetration testing, Chicken Guns, and Mike Tyson

Penetration testing explained In the 50s, fleets of aircraft were in use all over the world, but facing a dangerous problem: running into birds in midair. This led to technical advances in building new windshields and new engines, but engineers needed to ensure that their designs would satisfy their requirements. So how do you make […]

Restrictions COVID-19 H1 Visa suspension

Making sense of the U.S H1 visa suspension and what it means for IT staffing

First, some background. The recent executive order comes on the heels of several months of economic turmoil, during which the unemployment rate in the United States has nearly quadrupled and various public health measures have been deployed in an attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19. Citing concern around “excess labor supply,” the executive order […]

Embracing the next generation of application and infrastructure modernization

OnX Canada is helping organizations embrace the next generation in digital transformation, even as many companies journeyed to the cloud years ago. Service provider clouds—along with public cloud leaders such as AWS, Azure, and GCP—marked the technology’s further evolution. Advancement in automation, containerization, orchestration, and digital disruption is allowing organizations to improve their application development […]

Why the Cloud is your key to application evolution

To avoid the many pitfalls an enterprise could encounter while moving its applications to the cloud, a thorough self-audit is needed before an attempt can be made to formulate and implement a comprehensive migration strategy. During this audit process, your entire application portfolio should be thoroughly reviewed and assessed to determine the readiness of your […]

SD-WAN: Roadmap for Software-Defined Networking

Our new reality means the future of networking lies in the cloud. As our clients’ on-premises data centers and servers become obsolete we find ourselves deploying more and more sensitive data migrations to the cloud. In conjunction, we’re delivering more cloud-based applications as a service. The applications are scalable and tailored to our clients’ business […]

When it comes to application evolution solutions, don’t be afraid to branch out

The fully certified networking and programming experts of OnX Canada stand ready to train, support, and empower your organization to reach even the most challenging application evolution solutions benchmarks. We can assist you in boosting the availability, performance, and scalability of the applications you depend on to power your entire operation. A managed solution from […]

Key Factors of Building a Remote Network with SD-WAN

1. Choosing an SD-WAN partner shouldn’t mean giving up control Replacing legacy infrastructure can bring countless roadblocks when attempted without the right support. With increasing pressure on IT departments to enable business outcomes in real-time, organizations often default to selecting an SD-WAN service provider who takes full control of the implementation and management of the […]