Mike Cardy featured on CRN

January 26, 2012
Author: OnX Team

The following is a statement from Cardy and others in OnX’s office of the CTO. “Cloud Computing at the CIO and IT Director levels will transform from a “nice idea” to a “how do we deploy” discussion, with most organizations considering pilots of a Private or Federated Cloud for specific project requirements. With this new deployment model for IT, there will be a need to re-align traditional IT organization structure and administrative roles associated with a change in a business model driven by Cloud and converged. This will also drive significantly more discussion on internal and externally delivered SLA’s and the ROI for Cloud as IT organizations struggle to understand the underlying financial and operational challenges and opportunities presented by the Cloud business model. Coupled with the change, will be the proliferation of mobile based devices and the consumerization of IT, also leading to drastic changes in the way in which businesses consume IT services. OnX is well positioned as both a traditional solution provider, but also as a service provider delivering options on how our clients want to consume IT.”

OnX Enterprise Solutions: Michael Cardy, Global Chief Technology Officer

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