I recently participated in the Toronto FIX protocol conference in Toronto to introduce the new OnX offering of an integrated High Performance trading stack (Consortium). It was a learning experience and extremely exhilarating.
I learned that many organizations invest significant funds in applications to make trade processing faster and more accurate. Every micro second counts. Yet to my surprise, hardware is not of primary concern and usually an afterthought. Functionality is sacrificed for speed, and data collection is a luxury beyond many. This is especially true for smaller trading houses that do not have the funds to spend even on the application and algorithms to make their trading efficient.
The solution we brought “engine” was well received and found to be innovative and of great value to all that visited our booth. Although integrated infrastructure stacks is not a new concept, it is a stack that is pre-tested and configured specifically for the purpose of high performance trading that is new to the market space. Some of the feedback we heard was:
- An integrated stack that ensures performance and speed can significantly enhance the applications running on them
- Applications currently being built can only perform to a certain level and the infrastructure can ensure higher performance with minimal expenditure
- The stack offers great value and takes away headaches from IT team in trying to create configuration that are rarely tested
- With this offering, what used to be out of reach for many brokerage houses is now within reach
- This solution would speed up time to market specifically since deploying it to the exchange DC’s that are familiar with the hardware stack, would make the approval and implementation process quicker. Hardware is certified, tested.
Today, there is a lack of industry recognised benchmarks for designers which can demonstrate solutions have ‘high performance’ characteristics. To achieve performance and agility, with low up-front and ongoing operating costs, trade infrastructure implementation teams need to source the best available components from different innovative specialist vendors, integrate them and tune their interoperability.
Paresh Vyas, Director of Technology, Financial Services and Insurance, OnX.