CRN article featuring OnX CTO on HP’s software-defined storage expansion

August 26, 2014
Author: OnX News

Below is an excerpt from the CRN article: HP Expands Virtual Storage For OpenStack, Intros Entry All-Flash 3PAR Arrays, by Joseph F. Kovar

The idea of a software-defined data center is not just another marketing acronym, said Steve Lankard, CTO and vice president of technology solutions architecture for OnX, a Toronto-based solution provider and HP channel partner.

“The industry has seen the advantage of using industry-standard hardware with compute resources, and is looking to do the same with storage and networking,” Lankard told CRN. “They see the advantages that come from standardization of components, a move away from vendor lock-in, and a faster speed to deploying assets.”

HP has become a leader when it comes to technology for building OpenStack-based clouds and has been making big bets on that technology with its own HP Helion OpenStack cloud, Lankard said.

“We see a lot of opportunities to provide the technology and services for OpenStack using HP,” he said. “We’re doing it now.”

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