Safely Transitioning Users to the Digital Age

Safely Transitioning Users to the Digital Age

As Paul O’Doherty, Director Cloud and End User Services at OnX, points out in this blog post, the drive towards mobile and increased digitization is creating both friction and pressure for our traditional IT organizations as they struggle to manage risk and...
The object of storage

The object of storage

Mike Janson is the Principal Architect of the CTO Strategy Group at OnX Enterprise Solutions. As data creation continues to flourish, innovative storage solutions have become all the hype in the IT marketplace. Most of the buzz is around flash arrays and...
Address gaps in data protection before you fail

Address gaps in data protection before you fail

Source: EMC Pulse Product & Technology Blog, Author Chris Ratcliffe.        Data Protection is one of the least glamorous yet important disciplines in the data center.  In many respects it’s like being the goalkeeper in a soccer game – when you do your...
Partnering for your HEALTH

Partnering for your HEALTH

At OnX, the dedicated Healthcare Practice understands the business requirements of Healthcare and is determined to respond with world-class technology solutions to help clients achieve better results. Poised to make a difference in Healthcare, Team OnX and its best in...
In the ball park

In the ball park

I think it’s a fair statement to say that most IT organizations have adopted virtualization in some fashion, most commonly for the server environment. Gartner claims that nearly 50% of all x86 workloads are virtualized. Whether it’s a small tentative step with one...