by OnX Team | Dec 3, 2018 | General, Managed Services
Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is the next step to placing your business on the fast-track for success. By providing your personnel with a single platform for voice, video and text communications that is cloud-based, you’ll give them the ability to...
by OnX Team | Nov 28, 2018 | Client Experience, General, IT Solutions, IT Staffing and Consulting Services, Managed Services, Professional Services
The IT efficiency gap – the shortage of top talent to fill the needs of businesses across Canada, continues to grow. The top IT technicians are in such demand that, according to a recent survey at, almost half of the businesses looking to hire an individual...
by OnX Team | Nov 9, 2018 | Cloud, Managed Services
Today’s Canadian enterprise workers are more distributed, more mobile than ever. With SaaS-powered options at their fingertips, employees at remote sites and branch offices from St. John’s to Vancouver Island, and corporate locations across the globe have access...
by Blair Nichols | Aug 22, 2018 | Backup and Restore Services, Cloud, Disaster Recovery, Managed Services
Adopting public cloud technologies can help Canadian government agencies adapt to their most pressing IT challenges. Once you realize the appeal of the cloud, the next challenge is figuring out how to migrate IT workloads to the cloud. In our experience at OnX, a...
by Steve Harris | Sep 28, 2017 | Backup and Restore Services, Disaster Recovery, Managed Services
If you’ve made up your mind to move IT workloads to Microsoft Azure Public Cloud, you probably want to find the quickest path to speed the transition along and ensure that the deployment is configured properly from the get-go. There are good reasons for that. Data,...
by Chris Munoz | Jul 6, 2017 | Disaster Recovery, Managed Services
Almost every organization has old technology that is so reliable it never gets replaced. Because these systems are familiar, they’re easy to maintain, and there’s no reason to remove them from your mission critical infrastructure today or in the...