by Chris Munoz | Jun 29, 2023 | Cloud, Managed Services
More than 90% of companies worldwide employ cloud technology tools, and that number is only growing. It’s easy to see why—cloud adoption is a crucial driver of positive business outcomes, including improved efficiency, cost-efficient IT budgets, and better...
by Chris Munoz | Jun 1, 2023 | Cloud, Managed Services
Today’s enterprises generate an overwhelming amount of data daily, much of which is highly sensitive and can be lost without the proper protections in place—and for the most part, lost data leads to lost revenue. Selecting a third-party IT provider with managed...
by Chris Munoz | May 11, 2023 | Cloud, Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery is a vital need for every business. Modern companies are threatened by numerous dangers from both inside and out, including: Malware and security breaches. Aging legacy equipment. Data theft or loss. Extreme weather events or natural disasters....
by Chris Munoz | Apr 24, 2023 | Cloud
Recent Gartner report shows inflation-resistant growth In a recent report, Gartner predicted that global spending on public cloud services would surge to just under $600 billion in 2023. This marks a gain of 20.7% over 2022. Gartner highlighted that Infrastructure as...
by Chris Munoz | Apr 6, 2023 | Cloud
Migrating legacy applications to cloud platforms is a potentially lucrative business strategy but poses substantial risks. McKinsey reports that by 2024, most businesses will dedicate at least 80% of IT budgets to cloud computing. Furthermore, McKinsey predicts...